ABC Toolkit Part 2 – Base ABC and translations

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Part 2 Facilitating the ‘Base’ ABC Learning Design Workshop

Part 2. Facilitating ‘base’ ABC Learning Design Workshop  (PDF 12 pages) 


This part of the toolkit explains how the Base (i.e. UCL) version of ABC LD workshop is structured, with detailed step-by-step advice on how to run it in that format, why the event is structured that way and potential questions the organisers (and participants) might have. The workshop is organised in a very planned and time-conscious manner. Most of the 90 minutes is spent on group activity, but it starts with a brief presentation introducing the toolkit elements and their pedagogical background.

ABC workshop activities as a flow chart. T. Pieroni 2019

Facilitating the ABC LD workshop.

A completed ABC LD storyboard.

The Toolkit includes ABC LD resources translated into 14 languages by members of the Erasmus+ project and the ABC LD community.

Links and resources

ABC Workshop resources 2020 (this is the old link)

Associated ABC to VLE Case studies

Absalom – ABC at the at Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Absalom – ABC at the IBA International Business Academy, Kolding

DCU – Using ABC to Design an Online Teaching Course for Open Online Educators

DCU Case Study: Using ABC to design a new MSC Clinical Exercise Science

Helsinki – ABC “Classic” Workshop

Helsinki – ABC for MOOC design

KU Leuven – ABC for MOOC design

Oxford – Extended interview with an ABC participant (video 7m50)

VIVES – ‘Easily, self-reliant redesigning a course’

VIVES – ‘Designing a powerful learning environment’

UCL – Review of BSc Information Management for Business degree (PDF)

UCL- The Royal College of Surgeons of England adopt ABC