ABC Toolkit Part 3 – Localisation

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Part 3 Localising ABC LD

Part 3. Localising ABC Learning Design (PDF 18 pages)


While retaining the core principles, the ‘Base’ workshop format is sometimes localised to specific institutional, teaching and discipline contexts. These variants are also described in the Toolkit. The examples of the local adaptations are given explaining why and how the changes have been made as well as the outcome of the changes. Apart from translation of the resources are translated, the timings may be changed (often extended), and the content, activities, card sets and storyboarding have all been adapted by different partners to fit with their institutional and national educational priorities. The ABC LD workshop is often supplemented by pre- and post-workshop events and activities and ‘extensions’ included, such as mapping learning outcomes, competencies and so on.

The ABC LD workshop can be supplemented by pre- and post-workshop events and activities and ‘extensions’ included, such as mapping onto graduate attributes, assessment policy, learning analytics and other local priorities. It became clear during the project that although the UCL vision of ABC LD had focused on learning design, with some strategic components, the method was often applied in other areas, too. These areas can be summarised as follows,

  • Learning Design – blended courses, programmes, MOOCs, CPD, training
  • Strategic Development – Research based learning, digital capabilities, employability, assessment and feedback review, student input
  • Academic Development – identification of skills, share practice, terminology, part of courses, practical development exercises, certification, case studies
  • Review of technical and support environment – VLE review, gap analysis, service provision, ‘app wheel’
  • Quality Assurance – documented part of new module/programme design and review
  • Analytics – identification of data points for ‘in-flight’ feedback and post hoc review (with JISC, EUNIS)
  • Digital capabilities for staff and students

The Toolkit includes institutional narratives from the Erasmus+ partners. (Links to follow

Associated ABC to VLE Case studies

Amsterdam – ABC as part of a 24-hour education design retreat

Helsinki – ABC for MOOC design

KU Leuven – ABC as part of the educational training course for academic staff

Sorbonne – Designing blended learning using a variant of ABC

SRCE – adapting the ABC workshop for local needs (video 2m1s)

Tallinn – – Supporting Teachers’ Evidence-based Professional Development

Tallin – VLE learning tasks aligned with professional qualification standard competencies.