
This page contains extra templates to help you use ABC Learning Design (ABC LD) and adapt it to your own context. We encourage all those who adapt the materials to share them back to the wider community via this website. Please contact us if you would like to share any materials to help others use ABC LD.

Strategic alignment

Style guide and themes

  • ABC LD Style Guide (pdf  0.9MB) – all adaptations should be checked against this style guide checklist to ensure accessibility and completeness.
    • ABC-LD theme (thmx 144KB) – Easily apply the required ABC Learning Design copyright logo, text and Erasmus+ logo to your Microsoft PowerPoint slides by loading this theme file. Instructions for doing this and modifying the copyright statement to include your own adapation information are below.
  • ABC-LD theme instructions (txt 2KB), download or see below:

    To load the theme, in PowerPoint navigate to the Design tab and in the bottom, right of the Themes navigation pane click the More button (down arrow icon), click ‘Browse for Themes…‘ and select this downloaded theme.


    To change the license text (e.g. to add your own adaptation information – see licensing and re-use of materials), go to the View tab and in the Master Views navigation pane, click Slide Master and choose the relevant slide layout you want to edit. When done, click [Close Master View] in the Slide Master tab to return to normal editing view.

    To apply the theme Layouts to any of your slides by choosing the slide on the left Navigation pane and in the Home tab, clicking Layout and from the ABC LD theme, choosing the relevant layout. There is a slide layout for Title, front of card, back of card and blank.

    The 6 colours of the ABC LD method’s learning types are already loaded into the theme for easy access and will appear in the top row of the colour selector under Theme colours. Please make sure you only use the theme colour backgrounds with black text, to make sure you meet accessibility standards (see Style Guide above).

If you would like to adapt the ABC Learning Design method for your own context we suggest you download either the original English version, or an adaptation or translated version and make modifications from there, making sure you credit all authors of the original and adapted works you are modifying.